Area 0. Introduction, history and theories of environmental psychology.
Area 1. Study and monitoring of people's relationship with places of everyday life and the psychological aspects involved, such as perceptions, attitudes and uses of inhabited places (home, neighbourhood, city, region, etc.), place identity, perception of affective qualities of places, residential attachment, perceived residential satisfaction, attitudes and uses towards urban places, intra-place/inter-place practices in the city, etc.
Area 2. Perception of residential urban quality: construction and use of instruments/indicators of perceived urban quality and the relationship between "expert evaluations" and "user evaluations" of the quality of the urban environment.
Area 3. Perception of quality of care places (hospitals, residences for the elderly, etc.): construction and use of measurement instruments/indicators for environmental humanisation indicators.
Area 4. Knowledge and memory of environments, cognitive maps, spatial orientation. Analysis of cognitive and affective processes in the individual-environment relationship in a life-span perspective, particularly in ageing-longevity.
Area 5. Environment, psychophysical well-being and recovery from stress: regenerative qualities (restorativeness) of living environments.
Area 6. Study and monitoring of ecological or pro-environmental attitudes and behaviours for more sustainable uses of natural resources (water, biodiversity, air and land for mobility, energy sources) such as water use and savings, selective disposal and recycling of household waste, choice of means of transport for urban mobility, etc.
Area 7. Psychological-social processes (perceptions, cognitions affects, identity, attitudes, intentions, etc.) and behaviour in establishing and managing protected natural areas.
Area 8. Perceptions, attitudes and behaviour towards nature in the city, urban and peri-urban green areas.
Area 9. Perception and evaluation of (non-residential) places with specific functions: museums, commercial places, offices, etc.
Area 10. Tourism and sustainable development: local impact of tourism, tourist-resident relations, sustainable and responsible tourism; new types of tourism for the valorisation of places, territory and local communities, with a view to sustainability.
Area 11. Environmental communication.
Area 12. Virtual and technological environments for mediating communication and social interaction, work, etc.
Area 13. Psychological-environmental counselling in environmental design and management, participatory planning.